More reads for H&V stories (R4R)

Are you a contestant in the Heroes & Villains contest and you aren’t getting that many reads? If so, this thread is for you. This is a R4R for H&V authors who have unsatisfying reads and would like to have more support. I have been on the same number of reads for the past week and I’m guessing that there may be other writers who have been experiencing the same issue. Hopefully this thread will help writers to support each other more.

Here is my story info!

Title: H & V: Team Velocity
Author: Tahirah G.
Episodes: 3 (ongoing)
Genre: Action/Comedy/Fantasy/Sci-fi
Summary: Ironically all of her life Justine Powers was POWERLESS until she discovers dynamic abilities that she never knew she had. Can Team Velocity count on her now to help save mankind?
Story Link:

*Also, be sure to check out every story listed under this thread. Sometimes great stories are underrated and don’t get the recognition that they deserve.

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Hey, I agree with you!

I also reached a certain number of reads and then the count just stopped and doesn’t move anymore. It’s indeed upsetting :sob::sob::sob:

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