More Storyline Diversity

Does anyone else notice that 95% of the Drama section is either “Hot Billionaire Enemy that The MC Can’t Stand But Falls for Anyways,” “Mafia Life: She’s Too Innocent,” or “Mafia Life: Enemies That Fall in Love?”
Seriously! Yes, there are some wonderful mafia and rich CEO stories out there, but we don’t need a million of them. (I’m also looking at you nerdy girl high school jock stories)
We need more diversity! It’s as simple as that. Episode, please vary the storylines you choose to recommend. I don’t feel like reading the same storyline with different characters 20 times, so please recommend other stories.

Not trying to discourage writers from writing stories like this, just don’t write about the same thing as everyone else. Like the following topics:

  • Bad boy innocent girl
  • MC leaves and comes back pregnant
  • LI obsessed with MC (can’t live without obsessed)
  • Enemies at first, lovers in the end (Like Romeo and Juliet with the Mafia)

Thank you!


I have to agree with this. As much as I do love a good mafia story I feel like there’re to many of the same ones. The first one I ever read was Mafia in Manhattan (shoutout to whoever wrote it cause I don’t remember) I feel like JUST ABOUT (NOT ALL) have a similar storyline or are based like this one. I really enjoyed it, but reading the same storyline over and over again is tirering. Writers can do whatever they want, but if you do write a mafia story like this, just make if completely different and unique to where I would never think that this story is where you got the idea from.
Anyway good luck to all the writers out there. I know your stories are all amazing, just please, don’t copy someone else’s idea.


Same goes for the thriller section… :skull:


I know. Mafia in Manhattan was the third or fourth one I read and it was so good! I then discovered community stories and read the original version. It was really good with a somewhat unique storyline. (There’s always the possessive ex who the LI claims “was never serious with…”)


Y-E-S! I don’t read thriller a lot, but when I’ve taken a glance at that sections, the titles are very misleading. Most of them have basically the same idea, just different titles.

yeah same I loved it so much that I read the original long limelight version

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Yeah I am not a huge thriller fan, but some of the one I read are very similar just with really different titles and synopsisis.
It doesn’t make them bad, just very similar to one another.

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It sucks. It’s because some authors deliberately put those stories in that genre so they can get a higher rank rather than sticking to romance, drama or action where they should be (and would also most likely have a lower rank in those genres but still). :confused:

But I totally agree with you, we need more diverse plotlines and genres across the board and drama/romance sections have excessively repetitive storylines.


I agree most of the thriller stories actually look like something that should be in action and or drama


Or even romance… I found one “How to Feel.” Yeah, it’s about seducing and a strong MC that is described basically as a glorified femme fatale… totally belongs in thriller…

(Of course, no offense to the author)

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Yes! It’s just all over the place and it drives me crazy when I am in the mood for one thing and get something completely different. :pensive: :unamused: :expressionless: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Like what are they doing? What is going on?


It’s a tactic to get more reads. If I put a mystery story with a bit of an LI in romance and I write all about the LI and MC in the description, people will think it’s a love story when it’s not.

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Wowww, just what I need. Another confusing list of this to add to my already crazy and confusing life.

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I know how you feel. :woman_facepalming:

Come onnnnn! Uhhhhhhh! :expressionless: :feels: :sad_panda: :no_good_woman:

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Alright, more to discuss tomorrow but it is late and I am getting some rest! Bye! Ttyl!

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Most of these wouldn’t be as bad if they were portrayed realistically~

You can have this in a plot, show the struggles of pregnancy and not have an LI??? Like that’s not necessary :raised_hand::skull:

Again, if it’s obsession it’s probably only practical if the person obsessed with the main character is a stalker not a love interest.

You could also write tropes with a twist- why does it have to be that the supposedly labelled “bad boy” is actually a bully who has a tragic past? They could probably instead be someone who was bullied so they how it feels and don’t bully anyone. They’re extremely introverted and just need someone to comfort them- it doesn’t have to be the typical MC who’s looking for a romantic relationship. They could both be friends. :woman_shrugging:


I agree, I’m a simple person who lives my day to day life, working, paying bills, etc… With occasional drama (not my own) in life. I prefer to read stories like that because it’s more realistic and relatable.

And seriously how is it that there are so many stories of CEOs between the ages of 21-25??? As far I know that’s way far off from realism, as most in that age group are working paycheck to paycheck paying off student loans.


eXcUsE mE ARe yOU sAYinG I woN’t BE a CEo by tHe AgE oF 25¿?!1

Also, you forgot about all the 21-25 y/o mafia leaders because their parents both died tragically.


yes !!! yesyesyesyesyes it’s so difficult to find any diversity at all on episode :skull: for one thing i still think we need sci-fi as its own genre i think that would help out the diversity levels across the platform a lot , and also we need more queer representation on episode lol it’s so difficult to find any queer representation at all , and half of the representation we do have is the white cis femme gay man who’s a “yas kween” kind of gay like pls i just want diversity :palms_up_together: