Motivation to leave the forums

I really need motivation to leave the forums.
I don’t want to tell my friends here and I hope they don’t see it because they’re so kind to me, and i don’t want to leave them :sweat_smile:
And I hope they don’t see this post.
I’m really scared of online
But I really want to stay with my friends because i barely have real friends irl :pensive:
And I could use some advice right now

And @Sydney_H

Is it possible to delete my post?
Or you delete them? :pensive:


You don’t have to leave, we all love you here :pleading_face::sparkling_heart:

I feel like these forums are safe as long as we don’t share pictures of ourselves.

I don’t want to pressure you tho, you have the right to do whatever you want :pleading_face::heart::heart:


Thank you for supporting my descion :sweat_smile:
I felt like talking to my friends about this would have them annoyed because I kept bringing up this topic…and I don’t want to annoy them about this and i want them to be happy but I also want to leave :pensive:

But I agree it feels safe here
But it’s still dangerous :pensive:


I think if you truly want to leave; then you should. In the end we’re all bound leave because we won’t stay here forever, you’re just doing it sooner. Trust me girl, the online world is CRAZY but I think you’re fine as long as you don’t share your information and get into problems with people. However whichever decision you make, I totally understand since I was/am in your shoes :)). If you wanna talk doe, my pms are open :joy: you just gotta message me from your little tab thing.


Thank you for the support :pensive:

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Ofc and I also want to say that if they are truly your friends then they would support any decision you choose to make!

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They do that’s what makes it so hard :confounded::pensive:

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Don’t forget that you can communicate with them another away/visit forums :pleading_face:

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@Bonswayout my DMs are open if u need to talk to anyone, we’re all here for you and respect your decision. :smiley: If yr on Instagram: @lanafrazer.episode, that’s me, feel free to talk to me, anytime.

Hey don’t feel bad. It’s your right and your decision which actualy counts here it doesn’t really matter what we think cause if ur unhappy u shouldn’t be here, if it makes you feel unsafe you should leave it’s totally up to you… but if u think u have no frnds you are totally mistaken… you hv plenty of frnds here including everyone who hs bothered to reply to this. Or else they wouldn’t be rreplying now would they??? You don’t hv to worry about anything and hey when was technology ever safe??? There is a risk in everything we do… It’s to test us… and it’s our duty to face it and prove we can take it on… so my personal opinion is you shouldn’t leave I’ll be here for you whenever u want… feel free to text in :heart::heart::heart:

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Aw, we don’t want you to leave :pleading_face: Do what you feel is best for you though.

Closed by OP request. :slight_smile: