Movies (Reviews, Recomdations, Your Favs, Disappointments)

Hello I wanted to watch something and not a show and was like hey I want to see what other people recommend… Maybe even movies you were disappointed with…

Ohh Yeah One More Thing
No Spoilers

Thank You. :grin:


Avengers End Game (Well it’s only out on DVD right now).

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I saw that movie in theaters and I loved it maybe other people didnt but I did. :blush:

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I watched it in theaters as well (Rip Iron Man :sob:).

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Who’s your favorite avenger

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Mine is Captain America Forever

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I watching Chernobyl on HBO right now

and this picture captures it perfect


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Was. It good. :joy:

I am on episode 2. and evry one is so stupid. my blod is bouling. the nucler reactor has blown its time for mass panic. and the people in charch are. no that cant happen their is no danger

its scary it happend in real life.

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also can properly recomand a movie. any kind you like

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I like all types of movies besides Documentries just was never really intrested in those
But I like
All kinds

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star wars,

You know Ive never watched that is it good

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depend who you talk too. I love them I cant wait for the rise of skywalker . I recomand starting with a couple of episodes from the clone wars series. the first movie star wars 4 a new hope.

yes its a bit weird its number 4.

What the order sequence

Iron Man :sob:

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Captain America

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456 123 78(nine comes in the cinema this year). and then you watch rouge one. and solo.

a very interesting thing about star wars is no one actually wanted to make it. he had a very little budget. even the actors thought it would flop. and it is a big as harry potter (if not bigger)

this is number 8

Okay Ill give it a try

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