Dara's Character Customization Templates (INK & Limelight)

The template is all you need. Once customized, it’ll remember the character’s look for the rest of the story (same with character outfits).

This isn’t working! Whenever I highlight FEMALEAVATAR and type 8n my character’s name, it stays as FEMALEAVATAR. Please help!

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Did you:

  1. Highlight the name of your character.

  2. Press Ctrl+F (Or Command+F on Mac Books).

  3. Press “ALL” in the box that appears in the corner.

  4. Click the text box in the corner and change the name to the name you have for your character.

If so, you should see all “FEMALEAVATAR” labels changed to “(Your character’s name.)”.

Does anyone know the newest templete becuase the one im using keeps having errors because the skin tones arent found.

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This thread

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Hi it keeps saying that this eyebrow doesn’t exist. I look at the things you wrote I put her name in all of it, I used the ink female for my female character but it still doesn’t work. Help would be very much appreciated! Thx

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Can you post a screenshot of your script?

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Sorry for bothering you i went away but I keeps saying that the label female_custom1 does not exist how do i make it go away

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You must have deleted that label. It’s the very very first thing of the template. You need to add it back in


So i delete female_custom1 and put it back in again? And when i previewed it i can only customize one part like the hair or lips or somethings and i can’t do the other customizations

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What’s the code for the universal avatar thing for customization?


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No the reason why you got the error “the label female_custom1 does not exist” is because you removed it most likely by accident. That’s why it’s saying it doesnt exist because it’s not there. I’m saying that you need to add that label.

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@CHARACTER goes to character avatar


i copy and pasted and didnt change anything
} “Try Other Colors”{
goto fem_skin1
} “Done”{
goto female_custom1

Female_custom1 is still there

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That’s a goto, not the label.

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Oh ok now it works! Thank you so much for your help!

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So I’ve tried to do something on my own but the result was…there aren’t words for how badly I screwed it up…for real. I was hoping you would create a template for me.

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YOU ARE A LEGEND! So while there were a few errors popping up for me, I managed to fix most of them, but there is one last error that I can’t figure out how to fix. It says, “Unexpected CHARACTER: FAE” Any ideas on how to fix this?

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You need to add the word label on line 1728

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oof that was dumb of me, thanks! all is well now!

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