Multiple overlays! i need help

So i`ve posted 5 episodes already. But I was taking a look at them and when I tried to correct a word and save it again, a warning showed up about my overlays. But when I first saved the chapter it was just fine. I don’t get it…

@KEIKO starts return_object_neutral
@remove Coffee Cup To Go from KEIKO

@overlay CCUP create
@overlay CCUP opacity 1
@overlay CCUP1 create from CCUP
@overlay CCUP1 opacity 1
@overlay CCUP shifts to 166 288 in zone 1
@overlay CCUP scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1
@overlay CCUP1 shifts to 203 288 in zone 1
@overlay CCUP1 scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1

And the warning says that I’ve created multiple overlays with the same name in my script…

Well I think you should put…
@overlay CCUP1 create

It didn’t work

@overlay CCUP_2 create from CCUP

I don’t think the problem is with the listed overlay you wrote because I copied it and replace the overlay name with mine and it worked.
Do you wrote any overlay before or after the one you mention?

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This is how I wrote it with your code:

&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL create
&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL opacity 1
&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL shifts to 166 288 in zone 1
&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1

&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL1 create from AIR HOCKEY BALL
&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL1 opacity 1
&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL1 shifts to 203 288 in zone 1
&overlay AIR HOCKEY BALL1 scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1

and it worked

I don’t see a mistake - is it possible you have labels and gotos which might bring the reader again to this place?

Or did you created that overlay somewhere above it in the script already (like next to the background or so)?

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nope you can create duplicate from existing overlay just the way shi did it - you just have to have different name for the duplicate and she has done it.

Thank you I just realised that how dumb I could be​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

It didn’t work either…

Yes, actually I’ve use the same overlay in the same chapter before that but just one. Like this…

@KEIKO starts return_object_neutral
@remove Coffee Cup To Go from KEIKO

@overlay CCUP create
@overlay CCUP opacity 1
@overlay CCUP shifts to 166 288 in zone 1
@overlay CCUP scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1

I tried to do it like you did here. But it didn’t work either. But you asked if I’ve used the same overlay before so I did it like this…

&overlay CCUP1 create from CCUP
&overlay CCUP1 opacity 1
&overlay CCUP1 shifts to 166 288 in zone 1
&overlay CCUP1 scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1

&overlay CCUP2 create from CCUP
&overlay CCUP2 opacity 1
&overlay CCUP2 shifts to 203 288 in zone 1
&overlay CCUP2 scales to 1.432 1.432 in zone 1

And it worked, Thank you so much. I was losing my mind :smile:

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Don’t be so hard on you. Everybody makes mistakes and we’re still learning!! Thanks for try to help me. Let me know if you need anything. :heart:

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Yeah, I did used the same overlay above in the script. I put it right and it’s working now. Thank you!!!

I’m glad it worked :blush:

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