Music good for narration?

Can anyone tell me what music on the portal they think is good for narration as I can’t decide and I have this piece of narration I want to tell to set the story?

Also, is there anyone who has but the music and sounds into categories e.g. good for clubs or good for tension or drama? I just think that this might be useful to some writers.

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Well it depends what the narration is about. Like if it’s sad or happy.

It’s a couple of sentences setting the scene for the start of my story which is about love, friendship and the cost of telling lies.

Music_introspectiveacoustic (good for sad or bittersweet narration)

Introspective_guitars (good for happy or thoughtful narration)

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Okay thank you. What do you think of my idea about putting the music and sounds into categories?

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I think that’s a good idea because I did the same thing by putting songs in categories in a notebook.

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You should do a post on the forum showing that, I bet loads of people would be interested, because it can be a drag to search through the entire list yourself.

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Thanks for giving me that idea. I will make sure to do that. :+1:

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No problem xx

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