Music won't show :(

My music won’t play in this particular scene. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

&zoom on 603 333 to 242% in 0
&cut to zone 2
&set hsl 0 2 0
@SABRINA changes into Sabrina Unifrom without Jacket
@SABRINA changes hair into Long Thick Curls
@SABRINA changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte
@CARRIE changes into Girls Uniform
@MANNEQUIN 1 changes into MANNEQUIN Default Outfit
@MANNEQUIN 2 changes into Sabrinas Uniform 2
&SABRINA spot 0.830 89 203 in zone 2 AND SABRINA faces right AND SABRINA moves to layer 50 AND SABRINA is idle_sit_leanback_unimpressed_loop
&CARRIE spot 0.893 232 156 in zone 2 AND CARRIE faces left AND CARRIE moves to layer 40 AND CARRIE is dance_shake_happy_loop
&MANNEQUIN 1 spot 1.091 111 90 in zone 1 AND MANNEQUIN 1 faces right AND MANNEQUIN 1 moves to layer 20 AND MANNEQUIN 1 is idle
&MANNEQUIN 2 spot 1.091 43 89 in zone 1 AND MANNEQUIN 2 faces right AND MANNEQUIN 2 moves to layer 20 AND MANNEQUIN 2 is idle
music music_aggropop
volume music 50 0000
@pause for 4
@zoom on 361 292 to 242% in 2
&zoom on 364 292 to 344% in 4
@speechbubble is 186 80 to 118% with tail_top_left
(What in the living hell…)
(This routine is garbage.)
&CARRIE is idle_sad_loop
@speechbubble is 186 80 to 118% with tail_top_left
SABRINA (talk_sit_shrug_neutral)
Carrie, your dance makes me want to jump off a cliff.
@speechbubble is 186 80 to 118% with tail_top_left
SABRINA (talk_sit_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
And your music choice is terrible. Turn it off.
&SABRINA is idle_sit_leanback_unimpressed_loop
@zoom on 582 327 to 294% in 0
@CARRIE is text_phone_sad_loop
volume music 0 1000
@CARRIE is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop
@zoom on 372 256 to 294% in 0
@speechbubble is 177 131 to 116% with tail_top_left
SABRINA (talk_sit_doubtful)
It’s nothing to get upset about.
@speechbubble is 177 131 to 116% with tail_top_left
SABRINA (talk_sit_shrug_neutral)
Just make sure you present a better routine next time.

music music_aggropop
volume music 50 0
@/zoom on 582 327 to 294% in 0
@/CARRIE is text_phone_sad_loop
volume music 100 1000

^Is this the part where you want your music to play?

&MANNEQUIN 2 spot 1.091 43 89 in zone 1 AND MANNEQUIN 2 faces right AND MANNEQUIN 2 moves to layer 20 AND MANNEQUIN 2 is idle
music music_aggropop
volume music 50 0000

this is the part where I want the music to play, but for some reason it won’t show.

the 0000 shouldnt it be something like 1000?
Also if you muted the music in previouse scene check the time is not too long .if its too long it might get conflicted with new volume command because it will in same time try to put the music to 0 and to 50

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then you should put 1000 instead of 0.

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there can be 0 so the music will not fade in but start right away…

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The problem is volume music 50 0000. Try making it volume music 50 0

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Yeaa, but she wants the music to play at that part, so it shouldn’t be 0.
Oh wait, you can. But I don’t know her previous script. So I assume she muted previously?

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50 0 means the music will play instantly on 50% volume

50 1000 mens it will from what ever the volume was before change to 50% in 1 second

So yes she can have the 50 0 and the music will play.


My music plays in the app, but not in the previewer. Thank you for all the help :slight_smile:

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