My episode crashes

Hi! So I made a new story. Made a new character and gave her a name. Then when episode is loading my character it sort of crashes and says that there were multiple problems. I’ve tried logging in and out, I even tried logging into an old account, but every time when episode tries to load my character, or even my story. It crashes.
Does anyone know what to do? And does anyone had this problem too? (PS: I have a MacBook, maybe that has something to do with it)

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Just checked and mine is working fine, so I think it’s a problem on your end. Could be your internet connection? If you run out of options, try to restart the device if you haven’t already. :upside_down_face:

Moved to Report a Bug Writer’s Portal. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

@rosalie_vdv if you’re not able to fix the issue yourself, you can write in to the support team with a help ticket and ask them for advice :smiley:

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You might want to uninstall and reinstall the app itself if things don’t work out! That’s how I usually get the app to work :woman_shrugging:t2: