My large and small cover keep getting recejcted

This cover was made for me and episode keeps declining I’ve been trying for 2 weeks somebody help I even msged em they keep saying branding and people? What can I do


Could it be a size / resolution issue? How big is the image?


Oooo maybe it is the logo of the shirt that the guy wears! It might be mistaken to a certain brand or something?


What does it mean that the cover “was made for you”? Did you comission an artist to draw the characters for you? If so, you might need to get the artist involved. Have them sent proof to episode and they should then accept it. I was in a similar situation couple weeks ago :frowning:

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I mean that the art was commissioned for me

This is what they’ve been saying I don’t think it’s because of the size

It doesn’t make sense to be honest. I’ve seen a lot of people on episode covers use logos

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There’s probably a bunch of art reviewers, so some people probably get away with brands on covers and etc, because the reviewers that saw them were more lieanit. But if brands the reason yours is getting rejected, I have to agree with @episode_katherinee


There is a chance that it could be because of the way your title is written too as it looks like a watermark. It may be viewed as an artist’s image that you don’t have the rights to use.

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I agree with @Cheyara_Skadi the way you have placed the title, makes it look watermarked. So Episode probably thinks you have just taken random anime looking art from Google.

Try putting your title in a different way and uploading it. Keep it clear and seperate from their faces

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But the thing is, I’ve put another cover of this with out the title and it still got rejected

To be honest I also thought the title was a watermark
And it can also be that “A” on the guy’s shirt
Or else I’m not sure…but I’ve heard of other incidents where people kept getting rejected although Everything was fine … The author of raising daisy - lizchris was rejected from using a pile of sand
So if there is anyway by which u can issue a support ticket then try that

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