My mirror reflection character won’t stay rear after walking

I’ve looked it up and tried it multiple ways, and yes this is a mirror reflection thing, but my mirror reflection character won’t stay idle_rear after walking rear to a certain spot, he just stops and faces left only and I don’t know how to fix this, I’m not sure if it’s the version I’m using that’s the issue or not… but here’s part of my script

@LIAM is reach_kneel and LIAM2 walks to spot 0.906 252 170 in zone 2 in 1 and LIAM2 faces left and LIAM2 does it while idle_rear then LIAM2 is idle_rear and LIAM2 faces left

And it’s the same for my second part, he moves to a spot facing rear but then faces left only for a few seconds and then moves back facing rear…
I want him to just keep facing rear and not turning around…
@LIAM is shocked and LIAM2 walks to spot 0.906 170 211 in zone 2 in 0.8 and LIAM2 faces left and LIAM2 is idle_rear
@LIAM is run_fall and LIAM2 walks to spot 0.906 264 90 in zone 2 in 0.5 and LIAM2 faces left and LIAM2 does it while idle_rear

Why he is moving with idle-rear animation is cause it fits better with the animations the original character is doing, and yes I did try walk_rear as well but it didn’t change anything…
Please help if u can… yes this is INK…

You have different characters (LIAM and LIAM2). Are you sure it should be like that?

LIAM2 is my mirror reflection character and Liam is the one that is the actual character

I’m basically trying to get liams reflection to mimic his animations but he won’t stay facing rear

:kissing_closed_eyes: :kissing_closed_eyes: :kissing_closed_eyes:

Took awhile but I’ve figured it out!
If you code it like this, they stay facing left idle_rear and you get to keep your walk in seconds!

@LIAM is reach_kneel
&LIAM2 walks to spot 0.906 252 170 in zone 2 in 1 and LIAM2 faces left and LIAM2 does it while idle_rear then LIAM2 is idle_rear

@LIAM is shocked
&LIAM2 walks to spot 0.906 170 211 in zone 2 in 0.8 and LIAM2 does it while idle_rear and LIAM2 faces left then LIAM2 is idle_rear

@LIAM is run_fall
&LIAM2 walks to spot 0.906 264 90 in zone 2 in 0.5 and LIAM2 does it while idle_rear and LIAM2 faces left then LIAM2 is idle_rear

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I’ve done the coding u gave me and when Liam is run_fall the reflection character does the moving right after the original character… reflection Liam doesn’t stay in sync with the regular character but he does remain facing rear tho…
And when Liam is reach_kneel, the reflection Liam doesn’t move at all, hes just facing left… ):

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@Nightengale found out what the issue was, i used your coding but what the problem was was i had to put the & on the animation that the og character does and @ on the reflection character and it solved everything! so thank you so much for giving me the correct coding except the @ and & part lol it really helped!

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Yeah I wasn’t really sure about what regular Liam was suppose to be doing so I just focused on liam2 I’m glad you figured it out♥️

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Oh lol in the real story I pulled him into the bath :joy: that’s why he was shocked and fell. It was just hard figuring out how to get his reflection to somewhat match the real characters movements :sweat_smile:

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