My overlay is off screen

Hi guys, i need help my overlay is not in the background it always shows like this

i zoomed out so i can show yall. I believe my coding is correct but idk what’s wrong here if you know i would appreciate the help

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Did you try resizing and then copying and pasting all the details at the bottom of the preview screen?

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Yes i did more than once its just so frustrating i even previewed it on my phone to see if its some how fine but its the same

you have the coordinates in the wrong order on line 2176, it should be like
INT. BRISTOLS DORM ROOM EMPTY - DAY with LAPTOP to 0.442 27 244 in zone 2

when you put overlays with the background name the scaling size should come before the shifting coordinates!

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FINALLY! THANK YOUUU :couplekiss_woman_woman: :couplekiss_woman_woman: :couplekiss_woman_woman: :couplekiss_woman_woman:

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