My Overlay Isn't Duplicating

I’m doing everything correct, but it’s not duplicating, but my other overlays did.

This is what I wrote.
overlay PINK AND WHITE CENTERPIECE 1_1 create from PINK AND WHITE CENTERPIECE 1 AND overlay PINK AND WHITE CENTERPIECE 1_1 opacity 1 in 0 AND overlay PINK AND WHITE CENTERPIECE 1_1 shifts to -45 215 in zone 1 AND overlay PINK AND WHITE CENTERPIECE 1_1 scales to .843 .843 AND overlay PINK AND WHITE CENTERPIECE 1_1 moves to layer -195

is and a part of the name, overlays with the word AND in them dont work properly since it think you are doing the And command.

Yes, “and” is a part of the name? Should I just upload it again as a different name?

that would be for the best