My Read for Read thread

I am willing to do read for reads, but you must fill out the form.
The only reason I am doing this is because I have gotten scammed through read for reads before.

Here is the link to the form:
Please read and follow all the directions carefully.

Here is my story information
Title: Center of Attention
Genre: Drama
Description: Love, lies and drama. Your husband is cheating on you and two guys are fighting over you. What will you do?

Thank you :slight_smile:
Happy reading


Hey. Sounds fair :slight_smile:
I filled out your form and I will send you a private message as soon as I am done with reading yours

Here is a brief summary of mine

Name: Time Travelers (Lime)
By Dageeling
Genre: Fantasy (but more like ‘if science got so far, that time machines were real’.)
Summary: Do you really need a summary? It’s about time… spoiler. Fine… It’s about you and my story. Main characters Hailey & Scarlett don’t make it easy for you guys. And as soon as you’ll realize that, you got pulled right into the action before you could ask if there’s a way out.

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