My writer portal is having issues

Can anyone help me?

I’m trying to preview my story on the web previewer but it keeps showing me this.

Also, I can’t edit outfits or characters.
The page will open but the space where the character is supposed to stand remains blank and I can’t see them.

Have you tried logging out and back in. That error popped up for me but logging out helped.

Yes I’ve tried this.
It didn’t work.

Have you cleared the website cookies, then logged out/in? Or have you tried a different browser?

Yea try Firefox web browser if you aren’t already using it

I’ve tried another browser it didn’t work.

How can. I clear website cookies?
I haven’t tried that.

I’ve used Firefox.

Are you currently using Chrome? Firefox or another broswer?

If Chrome, this link will explain step by step (scroll down after you click the “cookies and site data” tab and you’ll see the “see all” option is near the bottom)

Same for Mozilla follow the link for step by step

Once you search Episode Interactive and clear them, try logging out then back in. :slight_smile: If that doesn’t fix it, you’ll have to submit a support ticket.

Thank you :two_hearts:
I’ll try this

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No problem, hope it fixes your issue. :slight_smile:

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Nope it did not fix the problem.
I am filling a support ticket right now.

Thank you for your help though.

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Moved to Report a Bug Writer’s Portal. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

I’m trying to preview my story on the web previewer but it keeps showing me this.

Also, I can’t edit outfits or characters.
The page will open but the space where the character is supposed to stand remains blank and I can’t see them.

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I just logged in , it works for me .
But maybe try refreshing or logging out and logging back in ?

It’s been like this for about 14hours today.
I’ve tried logging out then logging back in four times too.

Try restarting your computer ( this might help but not sure )
If it still dosent work then maybe send a episode help ticket .

I’ve restarted my computer and it didn’t work.

How can I send a help ticket please?

From here

Thank you :sparkling_heart:

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I’ve been having a similar issue except mine just says Downloading and it never does. I’ve tried logging out and back in again.