Need Filter help

Hi I’m a new story maker and I’m currently making my first episode of which I plan on posting. It is going to be a zombie survival sort of thing and I’m looking for a moody filter, anyone able to help out? thank you!!! <3

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Can you give more details?

Hi! Welcome to community of authors :smiling_face:
You need to go to “show helpers” at your preview screen then to “more helpers” and there will be “hsl filters” then you need to tap on “turn on filters” and there will be “hue”, “saturation”, “lightness” and “opacity”, you can set all of these by moving the mouse across the screen (or moving your finger), then there is a little window under preview screen, you should copy your command, it will say “@set hsl…” and so on, you can add “in x” in the end of the command, “x” stands for number of seconds you want your hsl to become visible on the screen, to remove your filter you’ll need to type in “@reset hsl” and you also can add “in x” in the end if you need it. We also have premade filters, you can find them under your preview screen at “Filters”, you can just tap on one that you like and it will appear in your script with little instructions. Hope that this helped and good luck with your story!

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