Need Help Finding Background Owner

Like the original post and thread says, it’s really up to the person if they want to use them or not.

Which is perfectly ok. Not everyone is going to agree on things.

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Yeah, your right. :+1:

Actually they fall under the copy left and non commercial catagory like I said in the post which automatically is up for fair usage as long as you are not making for them. I.e. the writer program. Use it or dont use it 100% up to you


I was just curious, especially where you got them, incase they have some more that might be what I’m looking for. But yes, it is of course, 100% up to the person. I in no means wanted to call anyone out or anything.

oh okay cool. :+1:

Well dang…your first name is the same as mine. ahahahahahahah. FINALLYYYY SOMEONE HAS MEH NAME TO!! XD
