Need help fix error

Copy and paste your script.

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I am on my laptop how can I copy it and paste. I have .not done this before.

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I lost my hold story story ok

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My code are on Google docs that code at .ok
Can you give me you email address. Sent you the Google docs lost my story torroww I am start all back over ok

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On line 82, it should be:
@KEISHA is talk_excited_happy

I lost my story now I am start all back over I press own thing try paste it .I am story back over torroww

I lost my hold story

On line 83, DADY shouldn’t be there.

See if you can recover your story using this method: HOW TO: Check Out Previous Drafts You Saved

Helpful thread to check out: "List" of Helpful Threads

You have a lot of errors :sweat_smile: :heart: I recommend to practice directing before you publish a story :blush:

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My code are on Google doc it my code…best thing sent my code .ok some code I got on there got error on it on Google doc I am so sorry my story is gone now write code back

On line 64 there is a dot (.) at the end of the command that shouldn’t be there.

You should copy and paste the whole doc instead of rewriting all of it :heart:

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It not here no more it save

Yes is save

You have to save your work by clicking the blue save button at the top right of your screen.

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I got my story back on there .

There has to be a space after the dot (.) and a dash (-) after black.

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