Need help on making it seem like he is grabbing her

don’t worry about it the forum is a place to ask for help!

This would be a little more helpful if you knew what I’m writting about or gave you little part of the story…
Okay umm so far I finished what they were doing outside, Scott BF punch her because she was getting out of control and now she had woken up in a guest room while scott went into a cell since his wolf came out. I have a room for her but the way the bed is setted i’m not sure if she
could lay down and also need help with transition.

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alright so first what is the background maybe I know a way to get her to lay down

second that is the problem with the transition? what do you want it to do?

this is something about transistions How do you do the fancy transistions?

that one is dificult because of the way the bed stands but I might have an idea make sure you’re character is in a sleep animation and then make her smaller with spot directing you can use the directing helper for help to scale and shift her

Did I do something wrong?

the error means that last line that there wrote add
to be continued…
add the end of you’re script

Do you know where to find a cover for a office?

a cover or an background?


have you tried this thread those backgrounds are free and no credit needed in but you can’t suggest backgrounds

has a drive but needs credits on the topic


free background inside the episode catalog just search office

okay, so I was typing down what they would say. I’m not finished yet, but I’m not with my cousin and we worked on it together… Well, I do the coding while she does the other stuff i just want to know if you could give me any tips that I should add in.

It’s really small sorry bout that.

Like ideas for the story or a wy to fiw the errors? if you want something with coding I would start at the very first place it needs to have coding and read/ preview that part co with you’re feeling as to what animation you would like to have right there/ how do you want him to go from place to place? try to play the story inside of you’re head! And if it sucks? change it into something else! coding is trying and trying until you get it right!

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I working on the animations later that’s why they aren’t in yet.

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you can also use some body overlays they make the story seem a lot more professional

I just want to know if i have any errors they didn’t see and if you did.

Body overlays? are you talking about when you use a arm, leg, or any other body part to make it look realistic for the reader? Like a arm going over a characters neck?

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