Need help with directing a scene


@AUDREY stands screen left AND AUDREY faces right

@AUDREY walks to spot 1.280 50 0 in zone 1 in s and pan to zone 2 in s and zoom on 320 568 to 148% in 0 to 1.280 270 0 in s

Moved to Directing Helps and Tips since it’s about coding. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics. :wink:

Thank you :grin:

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@AUDREY stands screen left AND AUDREY faces right
&pan to zone 2 in s
@AUDREY walks to spot 1.280 50 0 in s
@zoom on 320 568 to 148% in 0 to 1.280 270 0 in s

You need to change the “s” to a number too. :slight_smile:

Ok thank you so much :kissing_closed_eyes:

And if you pan to zone 2 and want her to walk into zone 2 too you need this:


@AUDREY stands screen left AND AUDREY faces right
&pan to zone 2 in s
@AUDREY walks to spot 1.280 50 0 in zone 2 in s
@zoom on 320 568 to 148% in 0 to 1.280 270 0 in s

The zoom dosent work

@zoom on 320 568 to 148% in 0

Sorry, no idea where the other numbers came from lol

Thank you