Need help with kissing scene!

I know how to make the characters kiss! I need help with changing perspectives on who is kissing how (like who is facing front and who is facing rear);
do i just switch their spots? I am trying to make to look like the camera angle is different and if i just change their spots it does not give that effect.


All you need to do is change layers.
@CHARACTER moves to layer 1
@CHARACTER2 moves to layer 0

Right now, CHARACTER in in front of CHARACTER 1

So the scene would be:

@CHARACTER stands screen center AND CHARACTER faces right AND CHARACTER2 stands screen center AND CHARACTER 2 faces left
@CHARACTER moves to layer 1
@CHARACTER1 moves to layer 0
@CHARACTER is kiss_passionate_loop_rear AND CHARACTER1 is kiss_passionate_loop
@pause for a beat
@CHARACTER1 moves to layer 1
@CHARACTER moves to layer 0
@CHARACTER1 is kiss_passionate_loop_rear AND CHARACTER is kiss_passionate_loop

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Hi in general yes

  1. you change background (or zone)- to make it look it is from diferent angle
  2. you switch the characters animation and layers
  3. You change the facing of the character and make new spotting (not a must but in my openion it will look more natural than just changing their spot…but it will mean that minimally one of them you have to be spotted again or both)

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