Need help with outfit choices please!

If you want it to be remembered, you need to give your choice a name.


choice (NAME)
“Jumper and Jeans” {
@KYRA changes into KYRA_date1

Check out: DARA’S GUIDE: Remember Choices with if/elif/else

According to that thread “Name your choice by adding the name next to the word choice and put it inside parentheses. Choice names cannot have spaces: they can only be consisted of letters, numbers, and/or underscores.”

Here’s an example:

What would you like to wear?

choice (OUTFIT)
“Blue Dress” {

@YOU changes into Blue_Dress

} “Red Dress” {

@YOU changes into Red_Dress

} “Green Dress” {

@YOU changes into Green_Dress


Bla bla bla…

And then, to have it remembered:

if ( OUTFIT is “Blue Dress”) {
[scene for Blue Dress choice here]

} elif ( OUTFIT is “Red Dress”) {
[scene for Red Dress choice here]

} else {
[scene for Green Dress choice here]

Hope this helps : )