Need overlays? (Any overlays for LL or Ink I do legs and arms too)

Need an overlay or maybe more than one? Just ask Ill make you any kind of overlay I do arms and legs also LL or Ink doesn’t matter but you have to credit me

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can you make for classick. i have not seen them any where

Hi! can you make male arms like that in color honey with tattoos please?

Hi pls can you make the overlays:


In like light pink and beige
If your able to do so I would appreciate it so much :innocent::smile_cat:

Hi can i get tan skined legg overlay
Like she’s sitting criss-cross?:joy::heart:
INK style

Hello, I’m looking for an overlay for my “over the shoulder shot” – basically, I’d like a male arm overlay because I want him to stroke the MC female’s cheek.

Hi! can you make me an overlay