Need someone to correct the grammar from my new chapter

If the grammar is done then i can do the finishing touch like zooming and update.

Is there someon who wants to do that?


I CAN! You Can email me the script at

I can too!!!You can email me at or dm me on Instagram at Wolfie_Vale

Oh that is sweet of you because you are first I give you episode 8 sending you now thank you xxx

I am starting today episode 9 so i will give you that one, you are an angel, will be ready in a few days xxxx

If there’s anything I can do, I would love to help! :slight_smile:

Yes of course i need all the time readers because i am dutch and my english is not that good. Give me your e-mail and i programe you for episode 10.

thanks girl

My e-mail is :slight_smile: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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I think I just did or did you not get something?


thanks you will get episode 10 this week when it is ready.

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Yeah I got it! Give me an hour an I’ll email it back😉

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