Need someone to review my story!

Hi guys! I’m working on a story right now, and I’ve written multiple that all fizzled out and died. I really want this one to go places! Could someone review it? I’m super busy right now so I can’t do any r4rs, but if anyone wants to review it please PM me! Here’s the info:

Story Title: Reckless
Story Author: MoonFlareStories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Episodes published: 4 (incomplete)
Description: You’re off on your own in the city. But being young (and hired by a rich businessman to keep his affairs separate) it doesn’t take long for you to sweep up a giant mess cc & choices matter
Do you want review sent here or in DM here
Style Limelight
Small cover:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Can someone honestly review a couple episodes of my story?