Need story ideas? Check This Out! (Updated!)

Do you want a different idea?

kinda, it’s kinda like horror

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What type of adventure would you like the story to be? Like, travel adventure?

It’s ok, I think i’ve got an idea

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Not really a story idea but I need help with a title. Here is the plot and the genre is ROMANCE, Christmas romance that is.

Christmas never was a big deal for me, that was until I fell in love with Santa’s son

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  • Santa’s Son
  • Mistletoe
  • Christmas Love
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These Are awesome names!

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No problem!

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@Penny2, I’d like your help coming up with a few story plots if you don’t mind :wink:

So, I decided to participate in a series of short stories with some members of the forums but I can’t really think of anything. The genre I was assigned to was Action and if you could add a tiny bit of Romance in there too that would be great! (I like happy couple endings lol). One more thing, everyone is only given 1 episode to write their story.

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Oooooo, that sounds cool! I’ll see what I can find. :wink:
@Sunset_Shimmer I found a few ideas from this thread, but if you’d like different ones, I can find others.

  1. “After you’re wrongfully accused of murder, you’re on the run from the police. You meet up with you’re old childhood friend after you haven’t seen them in seven years. Lucky for you, you’re bud happens to be a detective. Can he help you find out who the murderer really is?”

  2. “After going on one of the best dates of your entire life, you decide to meet up with Person B again. Although this time the date is rudely interrupted when a news reporter announces something terrorizing the city. You announce you must leave, and so does person B. You later discover person B is a villain. And you are the Superhero who must defeat them.”

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I was thinking about the last one. :thinking: The story’s in INK so it may be difficult with the superhero aspect. Can you come up with a few different ones for me? Sorry, if I’m being a bother lol

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It’s no problem!

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“You wake up stranded on an inhabited island. With no clue how you got there, you wander aimlessly until you find someone else, with no memory either. The two of you vow to figure out who you are and find a way off the island, but the two of you may be more conneted then you realize. And there is definitely something deeper going on in this island.”
“After spending a night binge watching your favorite film twelve times, you find that you have somehow been transported into it (or the events from the film can start happening in the real world). Your only choice? Make sure the film ends the way it’s supposed to. (Maybe the movie can be an apocalypse movie and MC has to stop the apocalypse??)”

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Thanks! These are really great :grin:

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no problem!

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sorry imaginary friend i forgot u