Needing help please

Hi I’m needing help with choices (making decisions on to visit a friend or not)
and i trying to continue that choice to the next chapter I’m writing but I’m struggling at it…
Any information would be greatly appreciated
I’ve tried the if/elif/else but i don’t think I’m doing it correctly :(:disappointed::disappointed:

You can need to use the if/elif/else if you want it to continue to the next chapter

So I will have to put if/elif/else in the 1st chapter is what you’re saying?

You need to use gains in the first chapter and if you want to continue it to the other chapter then you can use the if/elif/else

oh ok thank you

Sometimes I use character points for this XD
But I would recommend checking out Joseph Evans’ tutorials on Youtube before you get started and reading the episode guide for directing (learn about complex branching, etc), as well as practicing to get the hang of it.
This video: should help you out.

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Okay thank you so much

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This guide will help you: HOW TO: Remember Past Choices (if/elif/else)