Never Have I Ever!

Yes. My little cousin is a pain in the ass and so much trouble :rage:

Never have I ever been late to class because you were too busy gossiping :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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…i actally am late cuz I loveeeeee to sleeeppp :sweat:
NHIE came in school wearing only black?

That goth lyfe tho

I have

Shut up

NHIE been a emo or wanted to be one

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Never, I just sometimes like to wear black LMAO
NHIE forgot about someone’s birthday?

I have whoops

NHIE shoplifted


NHIE dyed my entire hair.


NHIE cut my own hair

never (but I did cut my sisters)

fell down a 2 story flight of stairs


Never Have I Ever torched my closet?

Never :joy:

Never have I ever almost died


Never have I ever burnt my dinner?

I have

NHIE blamed something on someone else even though it was 100% your fault

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I have,

Never have I ever been a badass in public.

I just wrestled my sister :joy::joy::joy:

NHIE got beaten up

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Yep, many times :sweat_smile:

Never have I ever ate sand?

I probably have :sweat_smile: I kinda know what it tastes like soo… I definitely have accidentally eaten sand, maybe once on purpose when I was little… I was a weird kid :sweat::sweat_smile:

Never have I ever accidentally called my teacher “Mom” or “Dad”

Yes, I called my teacher mom once (not in English though; I said it in my parent’s mother tongue lol)

Never have I ever went on a roller coaster? :roller_coaster:

I have (it was my last time though, I forgot to scream and almost got sick)

Never have I ever mistook a stranger for a best friend and called out to them

Nope. This happened with my bro a few times though, because some random dude was wearing the same colored shirt as him XD

And sometimes, I mistook someone else for my mom or other people in my family just because of similar clothing :thinking:

Never have I ever thought in a different language?

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I have. English and French and Spanish lol

Never have I ever not had problems with my emotions