New Amsterdam is it good?

if you search i tup on google is says American web television series

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oh yea it doesss wowowow.

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the ppl who created the trailer never said “SERIES” like put it in damn BOLD LETTERS - SERIES**


joey king is in a hell of a lot of movies now its so weird

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OMG YEAAA I thought it was like a ‘movie’ documentary thing

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omfg same


it would be good as a series you know starting off with the childhood of Gypsy Blanchard and then leading up to the murder


lol yea

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it does, but like in her teen years where the “commotion” begins ;//


ohhhh offt, her stories sad but like weird

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i dont mean her full on childhood just big important things/events that lead up to her murdering her mom…becasue it must have started off in her childhood for her to kill her overprotective mom

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yea like the reasons she would want to kill her mom

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yeah like they could shoe why the mom was overprotective and what lead her to xyz you know…but dayyyuuumm i really need to watch it…maybe after i finish watching Person Of Interest

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yea exactly


Yes, i think that New Amsterdam is a pretty good serie. :clap:

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aww max has cancer? that is so sadddd

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