New and Overwhelmed (Help!)

Hi, Jax :smiley: and welcome on Episode :slight_smile:

Coding can be difficult and it takes some time to learn but don’t feel discouraged!

  • I think it’s better to start off on the phone, then edit things on your computer, although once you change some things on the computer you can’t carry on on the phone. Here’s my advice how to still do it.

  • Unfortunately, you can’t use outfits what you’ve made on writers portal on your Mobile Creation.

  • The preview is glitching to a lot of users. Make sure you use Google Chrome when you want to use it. If this won’t work send Support Ticket to the Episode Team HERE

  • You can’t change script names… the only way to do it is to delete a character and make a new one.
    Feel free to support this idea HERE

I’m actually making a simple guide for beginners with my friend! I will let you know when it will be out, for now, you can use our help threads or if you have any question just ask! (You can PM me or post on my thread HERE)

Check also my profile and my Top Topics for all kinds of guides! :slight_smile: