New author. Promoting my story. Up for R4R io

Is it okay if I send the proofs on Instagram DM? I’m more responsive on instagram :smiley:

Hey dear :slight_smile:
I also saw your story in a lot of posts and I still wanted to asked you for R4R, but there are sometimes so many R4R-offers, that I get confused :smiley:

I added your story a few days ago to my favs. I’m be willing to start your story today. There is only one story before you.

Just FYI :slight_smile:

Author: May Laugh
Title: Trouble Twins
Instagram: maylaugh_episode
Genre: Romance (and a little comedy, too.)
Style: Ink
Danger. Passion. Love.
The Laugh-Twins are the completly opposites of what you would call normal. Just let yourself be taken to the world of May and Julien - the Trouble Twins.


Yeah sure no problem :blush:

Awesome! :blush: I’d gladly do R4R with you :blush: you can send me proves here on the forum or on instagram (lady_cannella_episode) :+1:

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Hi, would you like to do a read for read? :two_hearts:
Here’s my story:

Instagram: ellec.writes

Title: Dying Love

Genre: Romance/Drama

Brief Description: Love at first sight. Denver and Cassandra are soul mates, and they know it. Their love is so pure, raw, and real. But all good things must come to an end.
Warning, this story is very chick flick-y, nicholas sparks-y. So if you don’t like that kind of stuff, read it anyways :slight_smile:

I will :slight_smile:

Sure thing! I’m up for a R4R with you :blush: send me proves here on the forum or on my instagram(lady_cannella_episode) :+1: I’ll read your story ASAP

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There you go :heartpulse:
I have to say. It was hard to read the story in Grey :rofl: i felt deeply sad while reading. :frowning: what would my life be without colours? Omg.
I never read a story like this :slightly_smiling_face: for me it‘s a really good plot :blue_heart:

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Oh I actually already read your story! Really lovely story :two_hearts: I enjoyed it a lot.

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Thank you so much! I’m really glad that you enjoyed it :kissing_heart: and yeah, as Katie said, living there sucks! :see_no_evil:

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Hi everybody, it’s me Lady Cannella :grin:
I’d love to do some serious R4R with you !
Are you up for it?
I need proves that you’ve read my story so send me screenshots on my instagram (lady_cannella_episode) or DM on the forum :kissing_heart:

Here are my story details:

TITLE Color my life
AUTHOR Lady Cannella
GENRE action
EPISODES 3 ( more coming soon!)
PLOT A mysterious place, a government with a lot of secrets, a girl and the search of colors in a faded world…will you be able to restore the colors?



Stories that I finished :heavy_check_mark:

Stories that I’m currently reading :open_book: :books:

  • (Waiting for proofs)

Waiting list :hourglass_flowing_sand:


I don’t have a story and I want to read it but I’m on the laptop…

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Don’t worry, when you’ll write a story I’ll read it :blush:

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I’m up for a read for read. I’ll start yours now.

Story: Autumn Falls.
Author: Luna.
Genre: Romance.
Style: Ink.


I’m usually not a fan of such short chapters but your story is interesting and unique that I want to read more :blush:

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Thank you so much! :kissing_heart: It means a lot :heart_eyes: I’m really glad that you enjoyed it :blush:

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Hi, I would love to do a R4R

Cover: image
Title: The Princess Project
Author: Zen.zele
Genre: Romance/Drama
Description: In exchange for taking care of her sick mother, Sam is chosen by a royal family to marry a playboy prince. What happens in the palace when she begins falling for his brother?
Episodes: 4
Instagram: @episode.zen
Status: More episodes coming soon!
Story Link:

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I’ll starts right after the other story😊

Hey, I would love to do a read for read with you.:slight_smile: I’ll send you screen shots when I’m done.
Here’s the details to my story in case you want to check it out.

Author: S_Unique

Title: The Four Horsemen

Genre: Fantasy

Style: Ink

Description: 4 Sins. 4 Angels fell. 4 Horsemen rose. A curse was casted. And the battle of good vs evil is about to begin. CC/ Choices matter


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