New Episode “Treasure Chest”?🤔

So sort update, my chest looks like this now, it basically specifies I have to pay either way but can earn up to a 27% discount, and to the above I tried reading an original story and the 1 gem I get went to the chest, but my chest specifies that rule every time I open it so no more free gems for me (even though I don’t read original stories) and only a 27% discount when I don’t even buy phone app stuff (other than Amazon prime and stocks which doesn’t quite count since that’s laptop too).

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That’s such an insane number of gems to try to read in 6 days. :unamused:


Yeah, it’s quite a lot in a little time. But I don’t use the chest, I just see it when I open the app.

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Yeah I didn’t use mine either, not for choices in EO stories nor paying for the chest to get the gems. It’s since expired and I don’t have it anymore. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I don’t like Episode’s Candy Crush approach with the unlocking the treasure chest. While I understand Episode has to make money, they shouldn’t be greedy. :money_with_wings:

What they should do is remind us when time is about to run out on our daily streaks. :slight_smile:


This!!! I always forget and lose my streaks cause I get preoccupied, and it mostly happens when I have ONE episode left to finish to earn the reward :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3:


I literally can’t open the chest and it’s full
Is this a bug cuz if not what’s the point of this thing then


You have to pay to open the chest, unfortunately. Unless you mean that you WANT to pay to open it but can’t. In that case, you should file a support ticket cause that definitely sounds like a glitch.


I finished reading all the enough episodes required but I didn’t realize you had to pay to unlock :sob: I spent so much time on it, I regret it.


Yeah same! I haven’t bothered with it since lol


sooo i have the chest too and have just completed it with all 100 gems; but there is no option to claim the “exclusive offer” or any form of reward other than paying to open it. is there any other way or is paying the only way to recieve reward? ):

Unfortunately paying is the only way to receive the award. I believe it’s a better price for the gems you get as opposed to some of their other offers, but regardless it’s the only way to claim them is to purchase :frowning_face: