New feature: Approx Min

Sooo this feature isn’t new but the thread was closed because of inactivity, so I’m making a new thread.

I’d share screenshots but the latest story I read shows up as 4 minutes and I don’t want to offend anyone :sweat_smile: It might be just me because I read pretty fast and I’m sure that episode was longer for others.

Does anyone else have it?


Did you find that an accurate estimate?

I don’t have it yet but I wish I did. Another app I read has a tracker at the bottom of the screen and I find it very useful.

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Yep. It’s accurate.

There are couple things I noticed though, for example you can’t learn the estimated time without starting the story. So it’s calculated on your behalf. And I think you’re supposed to finish the first episode.

All I learned from this was me reading very fast :see_no_evil:


i don’t have this feature but I want it :heart_eyes:

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I had made this thread and I am not sure if it’s out for everyone but lately, when I go to the app it always has the feature but when I start reading a chapter and exit the story, it stops existing.
Personally, I don’t have accurate minutes and for some reason, stories that are usually longer appear shorter and vise versa! I think it’s cool feature but I think it would be best if the actual authors set the time because they know best, especially people with advanced overlays and etc.

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