New featured story: Love Life

Call me unimpressed again
Less than a second in and a guy bumps into us and flirts. We go to a bar with him after we meet his “crazy” girlfriend(awful idea) then fastforward we roomate wth a girl and Noah magically pops up and immediately gets naked and for some reason she has a casual convo about where to sleep(while his thing is in her face -_-)…the only solution is…sleep together…seriously…im still reading the last chptr but…i loathe it.
Im straight and the only appealing option so far is Zoe and Isabelle(?) I wanna be single…but thts not an option…
I do like the new hairs and freckles are cute n.n


There are literally TOO many gem choices!


The whole purpose of it is to get you to spend all your money :sob::cry::roll_eyes:




From the screenshots I’ve seen I have no interest in playing this story. But I absolutely love the new features! I hope they will be available for us to use soon.


A stranger is in your room (yes, it’s his room, his bed, who cares) in the middle of the night and he is naked… :thinking: Creepy.
Anyway, the new features are awesome :smiley:


Imma spend my money to see if these gem choices are worth my money. Wish me luck.:sweat:


Too many gem choices and it’s annoying​:weary::rage:

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I"m gonna replay because there’s a choice I’m kind of intrested in…

Having a girls night (+Ethan):


Honestly, the only real appeal to the story for me is the new features. The title and the story summary are quite vague (not in the way that makes you interested), and before I started, I had the feeling that the plot was going to be as predictable as the rest. I mean, I was really put off by the introduction of the jealous on and off girlfriend that’s been recycled about a million times already (she’s cute though lol).

I can’t help but feel that the story was made as a filler just to show the new features. Correct me if I’m wrong :woman_shrugging:t5:.


Why do all the new featured stories have to be centered around sex? I get that “sex sells,” but with all the horrible feedback they got on their last story, I was hoping they would try something else. I mean, give me an action story, adventure, thriller, sci-fi, anything besides romance.
I get that romance/drama are the top genres, but not everyone wants to see the same stuff over and over again.

P.S - I do love the new features! Sorry for the rant lol


Thought I’d put in my piece, as an avid user of the app.
Episode, Episode, Episode. I think I’m in love with this. This new tech is simply magical. I can’t wait to use it. You continue to amaze me.
As for the story itself, I like this new take. It’s got the elements that everybody knows and loves from your other official stories, but so far, it also exceeds them in its maturity. It’s nice to have a story that gives you an adult scene and that, aside from the obviously emphasised drama, doesn’t stray too far. I am adoring the slight “Devil Wears Prada” vibes and I hope this is the story that continues to amaze.
Despite this, I would like to see YOU go out of your comfort zones and deliver us something that is not centred around romance. I think the opportunity for a wicked cyberpunk story could really break the boundaries and impress us all. I can only dream of the kinds of costumes and backgrounds you would create for such a story.

Either way, thank you for a gorgeous new story, along with some wicked-cool character tech.


The story is ok…I guess…


Despite my enjoyment of this story, I agree with you wholeheartedly! I am a lover of ALL genres, and I’ll admit, it’s been so long since I touched a romance story on Episode cause I got a waaaaay bigger dose than what I needed! In all honesty, I only read this story cause I had seen the new character tech being advertised on social media! I was pleasantly surprised, but I hope that they release a wicked sci-fi some day! THAT is something that would blow us away. Even if we have to deal with a bad-boy alien, I’d love the diversity nonetheless from the usual romance!
Basically the point of my reply was to agree with you and extend on what you said from my view HAHA!

Have a lovely day!


That title. That description. That naked guy with the necklace :rofl:
I guess it’s time to make another subfolder to my subfolder of my subfolder where I’m hiding the app because I don’t want people to see I have this on my phone.


I just gotta say, first playing this on first chapter, I’m in love with default MC’s look, the hair (I only browsed through new Short Hairstyles, and they’re okay)! I kinda also like the new eye types, specifically the slender ones. Just wondering, has anyone used the Pout with Braces lip shape? Is it actually like actual teeth braces? I just kinda picked it because it has the resting b*tch face look! The first dress choice surprisingly had a free special outfit, and it looks pretty neat too.

Notice how I haven’t mentioned the plot. Other threads talked about how this is more a demo, which I don’t mind. Honestly, it’s kinda refreshing to see the cast have a friendship.

First I thought there was a casual link between these two sentences :smiley:


Omg tru

what do they have with boy’s being naked 4 no reason in front of the main character lately?

sigh *nod’s negatively head - Geez Episode these day’s *sigh


:ok_hand:I took a couple of screeners because OML my girl was so so cute!

but I love the poster! Diverse diverse and more diverse!