New story! check it out!<3

Genre: Romance (+drama/mystery)
Summary:In the mafia world arranged marriages are the norm. And Santina will do anything to protect her family, even if that means marrying a man she does not love… CC in chapter 4!
More chapters to come!!!


I’m open for a R4R. Inbox me if you’re
Genre: Romance (+drama/comedy)
Summary: MC starts off in her early 20s by the end of the book she is in her mid to late 40s. Along the way, you will go on the journey of her dealing with the highs and lows of life. Marriage, divorce, trauma and, how she overcomes it all

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Congratulations on publishing! :partying_face:
I published my first story yesterday, so if you are up to r4r, send me a dm. :heartpulse:

Title: Blood source
Author: Lily.v
Genre: Fantasy
Story card:

Story link:

Let me know if you’re interested in a r4r. :sparkling_heart:

Title: Eat Stake
Author: Sinead O’Neill
IG: sineadoneill.lovestowrite

Story Description
Your destiny is to protect humanity from a malevolent being, who intends to populate the world with such evil. What happens though, when you fall for his hot but heartless son?
(cc, choices, adv directing, music/sound, mini-games, art scenes)

Eat Stake link