New Story Pitch

Hey! :slight_smile:
I have an idea developing in the back of my mind for a story, and I’m looking for some ideas/recommendations, if anyone wants to help (that would be great).

  1. Cliche plot elements to avoid: Sometimes it’s too easy to have an all-despicable antagonist with no backstory, or the “mean plastic girl” who terrorizes a school. I’m looking for things to avoid that you aren’t interested in seeing in another story, or ways to implement them that allow them to have original aspects.
  2. Overused Names: There’s a list of names in my head that I know I’ve seen around Episode too much, be it for love interests, main characters, best friends, etc. Recommendations on what not to use would be appreciated.
  3. Character Customization/Name: My story is about a female MC who suffers from the side effects of a memory condition (details will be explained in the story once I figure out the rest of the Episode). It’s a rare condition, diagnosed in very, very few people worldwide, and so I can’t figure out whether or not I should maintain a set character look or provide customization, as well as the name. Her story is unique to most, and I’m not sure if it’s so important in the course of this story to look like the reader rather than to tell her life.
  4. Character ideas?: I’m wanting to create about 7 or 8 other named, significant characters, all with personal problems (and I kind of want them to come together eventually despite their conflicts or differences - not a romance-based story -), if you had suggestions for characterization/traits/pieces of identity for them, that would be cool too. :wink:

If anyone’s willing to help my brainstorming, that would be awesome. I’d be glad to hear your suggestions. <3


I think a good story if you decide to include a mean girl should have a backstory, what makes her mean? Is she a badass or a bitch? Make her a character that people learn to love or love to hate. Either way make her powerful and don’t put her in your story just for the sake of having a mean girl cliche I guess.

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I like that, I see too many stories that have your mean girl used because of the cliche thing but there is no real reason she is mean. You do for bad boys but not for females.

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Exactly! Give her a reason for being there or don’t put her in at all. Not all stories need a mean girl to be interesting :joy:


I would more likely read a story with a very friendly ‘girl next door’ type of girl, quite rare these days.


With a backstory

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Me too honestly. I don’t even mind mean girls I just hate that how badly they are portrayed.


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