New story - The Last Fallen Angel r4r

Hey there,
I had released a story about a year ago in INK. Now it’s back and converted to LIMELIGHT with more chapters coming soon…
I’d like to do read for read with anyone who’s interested.
My story is called The Last Fallen Angel
Author: Athena Rose
Instagram: Athena_winter.writes
Genre: Fantasy
Plot: A girl recently finds out she has supernatural gifts. Will she be able to handle college life while crossing paths with two mysterious men, one of whom might be her soulmate?

Currently 9 chapters
CC, 2 Love Interests and 3 Different endings
Upcoming Art scenes
Rules: - You start first and send me screenshots…
- Then I’ll do the same for you.
- It is no fun being ghosted, so please be true to your word.
- I’m open to hear your thoughts :heart:


To @RoseAthena:

I’ll try it! I’ll DM you when I’ve read it as I am currently just completing someone else’s r4r.

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Thank you! No problem :blush::cherry_blossom:

hi! I am starting your story now :slight_smile:

title: Little Lies
author: Ellie
description: So, you’ve fallen for your best friend’s brother. But what happens when she forbids you from dating him? Can you keep this little lie?
chapters: 10 so far, more coming!
Main character CC, LL
1 love interest
insta: els.episode

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Great, I’ll start yours too🌸

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Hi, I have a fantasy story, too with seven chapters out so far. I’d love to do a r4r.
Here are the details:

Title: Saivoaimo
Author: P D Anderson
IG: @starliteoversuomi
Genre: Fantasy
Episodes: 7 (more to come)
Style: Limelight
Description: Vilja is intrigued as she meets Arkin, a young man with a dark secret. But going with him has a price: Outworldly forces are already on their trail and time is running out…

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Hello, thanks for the thread! I’d love to do a R4R!

I am promoting my new story, Ghost of a Chance .

Genre: Mystery with a side of Romance
Style: Limelight
Episodes: 3/15 published
Instagram: @rachelonepisode

A fatal car accident saddles you with a ghostly presence and the obligation to solve a murder. Do you and your friends have any chance of catching a killer?

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Great! Let’s do it… Your story looks good! I’ll add it to my list :blush:

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Sure, let’s do this… Your story seems really intriguing :blush:

Awesome, I’m looking forward to reading yours!

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I just finished yours. I’ll DM you the screenshots! :blush:

Hey I would like to do r4r
Story Details:
Title: ROBYN
Genre: Thriller
Chapters: 3
Author: Chelsea
Description: After the death of her parents, Robyn continues their legacy by working in The Eligius while also hoping to avenge her parents.

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Great! I’ll add your story to my favorites… :blush:

I read your story

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Thank you! I’ll start yours asap!

I just finished finished yours!

Hey, I just finished finished your story… Loved it! Can’t wait for more… :purple_heart:

Thank you! Just finished yours as well, your directing is fantastic!

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Still open :heart:

Hi lovely :blush:
Thank you for the thread
I would love to do read for read
This is my story

Title : Long time
Gerne: Romance / Mystery
Episodes: 3 (ongoing)
Author: Lea
Instagram: lea.episode.1
Description: Hanna grew up in one of the most Dangerous Italian Mafia families.
Since her mum died from unknown circumstances she feels like a piece of herself is missing.
What happens when you feel like you don’t fit in this world anymore… and you want to know the truth?
When you cross his path will he help you?

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