NEW WRITER! I need help!

And to your questions:

  1. hight of the characters is done by spot directing

  2. school lunchroom you actually do not need template just learn the spot directing and you can easily make it on your own

  3. to change features you have 2 options

a) use command changes - this will change anything permanently till you give this command again. Good for characters that do not have CC so you know exactly how he looks.
b) command previews - it makes the same as changes but temporarily - it keeps till the end of the episode or till you use unpreviews command - good for characters with CC when you don’t know how the reader has changed the character.

the commands are:

@CHARACTER changes bodyColor into Color

@CHARACTER changes eyebrows into Shape

@CHARACTER changes eyebrowsColor into Color

@CHARACTER changes hair into Hairstyle

@CHARACTER changes hairColor into Color

@CHARACTER changes eyes into Shape

@CHARACTER changes eyesColor into Color

@CHARACTER changes face into Shape

@CHARACTER changes nose into Shape

@CHARACTER changes mouth into Shape

@CHARACTER changes mouthColor into Color

@CHARACTER previews feature Color/Shape/Hairstyle

@CHARACTER unpreviews feature Color/Shape/Hairstyle