Octo's Art Shop! (CLOSED)

What color eyes, type of nose, and outfit?

What outfit would you like?

I want the eye color to be brown

And can the outfit just be all pink

Kk, thanks!

MALE: basic sneakers black ripped punk pants tank top black cool leather jacket lady rose tattoo
FEMALE: black studded buster black ridged moto jacket black leather leggings black holiday sequin heels


And is this a full body or zoomed in?

Full body

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I will finish current requests but I joined a new art group so this will be closed after I finish current requests!!!

Here you are hun! Sorry that one eye just wouldn’t cooperate and you wanted it done soon but anywayyyy Make sure you credit me either Instagram- smiley.epy or SmileyOcto on forums!

Omg thank you :sob::kiss::sparkling_heart:

Yep and again sorry that one eye was just :expressionless:
And I’ve never worked with that eye type before but thanks for requesting!

My story will be coming out in 3 weeks maybe.So,thanks you


Ok so I’ve been trying to do yours but I just can’t get the pose right!!
I’m super sorry that I caused an inconvenience by delaying your cover!
I don’t think that I will be able to make it look like anything that you requested!
I would suggest that you ask a more talented artist because this just isn’t working at all!!
Again I’m super sorry for this!

it is okay can you make another pose it doesn’t matter what pose

Yeah sure! What others do you maybe have in mind?

Can you make him holiding her he is protecting her

Yeah sure that can work!! I just don’t know how long it will take because my laptop isn’t working right now, and I need my laptop for the poses!! But it should definitely be fixed in 3 days!! So I should have it don’t in 3-4 days if that’s ok

that is okay