Office background (CEO)

Hi, beautiful people
I’m looking for an office background (ex - CEO type or fancy)
and your credits please!

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

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Hi! @Skylar_D
check out @FlowerGriefer have awesome background and office background and much more


I have those ones which I found, but I have no idea who made them! :frowning:


I don’t wanna use them without permission but, thank you hun :heart:

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for the second pic, is there a bg that shows the perspective of the person sitting IN the chair. Like the other side of the room?

I believe @amepisode made this one ↑

And @smg.episode made this one ↑ :blob_hearts: Kyra's background and overlay request thread! - #106 by Kyralynn