Official INK fan club ❤

“iNk iS, LiKe, WaY tOo DrAmAtiC!1!1”


I would stop drinking for a whole week if Limelight could get a punching animation as fast as the INK one. Fighting scenes in this style can be… pretty slow.

Also… hi.



Hi :wave:

Ink’s great!

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that’s why action stories are better suited to ink, imo


I would drink even more then. Even smoke on top of it.


g a s h p e r


Hila, I swear, I… Jsjkwsks :joy:


I love Ink so much. I know people started using Limelight more but I am a die hard Ink fan and will never let go of it. When I think of Episode, I think of Ink. Because I remember when Limelight didn’t exist. And at that time, I hated classic (and still do) so the only style I ever read in was Ink.
I miss Ink but unfortunately it will never be updated again
I might sound crazy but I could gush about Ink all day :joy:

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I got Episode when Ink first became a thing too!


I remember that style!


Let’s sue her pls



thanks for stating the obvious. i was kidding

Make love, not war, girls!

Also, nice day to remind you all that I love INK :heart:


I just found out that Episode is apparently working on new body shapes, and I know this is kind of selfish, but I’m scared for Ink. There is absolutely no way that they will release body shapes for both styles. So, when they do come out with this, what if the few remaining Ink fans we have left decide to switch to LL…? :pensive:
Maybe I’m just paranoid? I really hope so.

And to stay on topic, Ink is amazing. :heart:

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That was on topic, do not worry.

Two things I can tell you: the community is bound to forget about INK at some point. I know I will not be one of those people, but INK is getting a lot of hate, so, try to be prepared because next year, that could actually happen.

And finally, if they do release new body shapes for Limelight, I am certain that they would be glitchy af :joy:


Limelight in two words. :joy:

Yeah, you’re right that it’s going to happen at some point. I hope there will still be an abundance of people writing in Ink for as long as possible- maybe it’s asking for a lot, but hey. I guess we’ve still got some hardcore Ink fans, though. :woman_shrugging:
I suppose I’m fine as long as they don’t discontinue Ink and prevent us from writing in it, and considering that hasn’t happened with Classic, I think we’re safe.

This is high-key mean, but I can’t wait for a new style to come out so that LL can be put in our current place. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Typical L*MeLiGhT.

I shall never forget about Ink! It’s my b!sh.


LL isn’t taking over if that’s the case every story would be LL their both equal good and Ink has been out longer than LL

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My story is in INK and I love ink more LL animation is okay… INK is more funny and realistic. But it doesn’t hurt giving LL a try.

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My favourite is INK and I only write in INK, but I said that LL was taking over because now I mainly see LL stories in the trending, on the weekly shelves, and I read a lot of contest entries but I barely find any in INK, and now I get surprised when I see it … So yes, it seems that’s the case, but there’re still a few authors who keep writing in INK, fortunately