Olivia's Drawn Art Shop [CLOSED]

I am just testing this out! If it doesn’t work, than my art shop will be discontinued

Welcome to my art shop! Before you request anything, there are a few rules!

  • No requesting a similar thing at another art shop
  • Don’t get mad at me if I can’t do it. There are just some things that I cannot do
  • It must be an outline
  • You must give me an outline example
  • You must use the password cactusberry

Remember that I am in school, and I have to prioritize it. If your request is not done within a month, then please DM me. I may have forgotten about it.


Character Details
Pictures of characters
Possible poses, unless you want it generic (idle)
When you need it done by
(I will put my name on there as my credit, just so you know)


Character Details
Pictures of the characters
Picture of the background (I don’t do backgrounds)
The title
Title font type
The author name
When you need it done by
(I will put my name on there as my credit, just so you know)

Art Scene

Character Details
Pictures of the characters
The Background
The poses
When you need if done by
(I will put in my own name as my credit, just so you know)

Also, if you want, you can follow my Instagram @olivia_brame2k20

Adding more episode-like examples soon



  1. @Moonrockstar
  2. @Episode_Madeline16

A fun example I’m working on


I would like a cover
Filling forum out in morning :blush:

Cool! I’ll be adding more episode-like examples in the morning also for reference

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Character Details
This is for Brice
Penny Loafers Ankle Socks Leather Grey Black
Minimal Rimmed Facewatch Leather Brown
Trim Belt Preppy Slacks Cotton Neutral Tan
Freckles Heavy (08-10)
Long Sleeve Wool Sweater Jacket Leather Brown
Character details:
Natural 03
Arched Medium/ Ginger Red
Medium Side Curls/ Ginger Red
Deepset Heavy Lid/ Hazle Dark
Chiseled Angular
Aquiline Medium
Full Lower Lip Sharp/ Rose Light Nude Matte
This is for Emily
Interview Dress
Pearl Bracelet Grey White
Pearl Strand Necklace Pearl Grey White
Flat Lace Up Sneakers Canvas Grey White
Character Details:
Gold 02
Arched Natural Scar/ Black Dark
Long Down Wavy Princess Braid/ Black Dark
Deepset Downturned/ Blue green
Defined Natural
Full Heart Pouty/ Blood Orange Gloss
Pictures of the characters
Can you do something like this?

If not let me know and I’ll find a different pose :slight_smile:
Picture of the background (I don’t do backgrounds)
The title
Small Town Love
Title font type
The author name
When you need it done by
When you can
(I will put my name on there as my credit, just so you know) :slight_smile:
Password cactusberry

Sounds good

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Character Details:
Body: Gold 08
Brow:Arched Natural Scar (Black Dark)
Hair: Long Down Wavy Princess Braid (Brown Black)
Eyes: Female Generic (violet) can you make the eyes purple fire
Face: Diamond Defined contour
Nose: Round Flared Upturned
Lips: Full Heart Pouty Vampire Fangs (Black gloss)
Ect: Eyebrow piecing and tattoo
Pictures of the characters:

If you can put this around her that would very awesome

Poses: Deep Breath while holding blue fire
Picture of the background (I don’t do backgrounds):
The title: Magicka: Enchanted Tibird
Title font type: Any is fine
The author name: Madeline
When you need it done: 2 weeks
small cover and lager cover the same please
(I will put my name on there as my credit, just so you know)
Password cactusberry

Thanks you so much

Cool, I’ll see when I can get it done (school just got a lot busier for me, but I’ll get it done soon)

Just checking in no rush just keeping up to date :slight_smile:

Oh hey sorry, I’m pretty busy but I’m almost done with it

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Take your time hun was just keeping up with it😊

@Moonrockstar @Episode_Madeline16
I’m so sorry, that I haven’t finished your requests! I’m closing my art shop! I would normally finish them before I close, but I’m kind of in the middle of a family emergency, and I just don’t have the time.
Again, I’m SO sorry!


Thats fine. Family comes first i hope everything is fine with your family

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