One Layer Drawing Challenge!

Ooo :heart_eyes: thanks for the tag :slight_smile: Iā€™ll give a try! Idk how well a face would come out because I always duplicate one eye and just flip it over and am still new at using Ibis, maybe Iā€™d have better luck drawing Cousin Itt from the adams family lol or a dog instead lol

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Well itā€™s as good as itā€™s going to get for a one layer, I had fun attempting it! But shading without layers :woozy_face: I couldnā€™t fix my problems lol and I messed up in the background and couldnā€™t undo what I did so then it just became an explosion of stuff :woman_facepalming:t3:so ignore that if you can Bahahha :sob:

My attempt


Im Joining x

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:joy: Yeah, good luck!

@Madhu Thank you! Yay, Iā€™m excited to see it!

@Elaina2 Wow! I love it! The colors and hair are so pretty! Thanks for doing it!

@UltimaW Alright, cool!


Doing this, I learned one lesson: I love layers and I am never ever using one layer again


Nice job! I love it! Yeah it does really make you appreciate them :joy: Thanks for doing it!


Haha this seems cool iā€™ll definitely join when i have time :blush:

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Thanks! Great!



Nice! I love it! Thanks for giving it a go :blush:

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What is layer drawing?

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Layers is sort of similar to outlined sheets of transparencies in real life, you can stack them up and theyā€™ll create an image, like how digital artists would of course use this technique, digitally. A lot of us use around 3+ layers when drawing something, so working with 1 layer is pretty challenging for most. I suck at explaining layers so I guess you can just google it.


Thatā€™s a good way to explain it. Itā€™s helpful for keeping things separate if we want to go back to something or add to it.


That makes sense. But how do you put all the individual layers together to make one complete image?

@ArtisticWaffle Sry for all the questions but I wanna learn and Google is sometimes a pain :sweat_smile:


it does it itself (:


Thatā€™s ok! Itā€™s great you want to learn. As @eilyk said, it puts them together when you save it. You could merge them together yourself, but there really isnā€™t a point. Iā€™m happy to answer questions, so just let me know if you have more!


I hate you @ArtisticWaffle
I wanted so badly to make more layersss but I had to try. I donā€™t actually hate it that muchā€¦ I think I sorta just learned a new technique, actually. and I made it dark so no one can see all the screw ups. Ya really gotta have your brightness high if you wanna see anything at all.

1 hr 50 mins
I wouldā€™ve recorded it too, but my program was acting up.


Even after I increased the brightness, Iā€™m still impressed! I know I couldnā€™t do that in one layer! :astonished: I love her eyes btw!

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Thank you! Everything about her was so dark I couldnā€™t bring myself to make her eyes white. I felt like it wouldā€™ve looked too weird.

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Yeah, I definitely could see that looking weird. I think you made a good call with the eyes!