Opinions on Culture Appropriation?

I know what they are. I’m not dumb.

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I just gave you a Wikipedia quote stating it wasn’t. Are you disregarding everything I’ve said?
Dread locks weren’t originated in Africa.

First of all: Dreadlocks don’t belong to one culture. I never said dreadlocks originated in Africa.

Second of all: Arguing about the same thing again and again on a post where people are just supposed to share their thoughts is not okay. If you would like to continue discussing this with me, then you can easily PM me.

I don’t think culture appripriation is a nice thing when people get humilatied for having kinky hair. Also isn’t dreadlocks and braids hurtful to white people’s hair? Only 4C hair has the texture to pull it off without damaging the hair I think. (keyword, think)


That’s hypercritical because you’ve used the same argument over and over?
Whatever, I’d rather not take this in the PM’s.
I know better than to argue with someone ignorant considering your views won’t likely change and you’ll continue to argue your point despite me already giving textual proof that you’re wrong.
This isn’t an argument anymore.

I definitely agree with you, @ZADDY . There is no point in arguing with someone ignorant, which is why I ended the argument. I showed you actual proof not from Wikipedia, but from credible sources such as the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals. Anyway, I hope now that this argument is over, other people will continue to share their opinions.

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And the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals isn’t a source? Do you even know what it is? It’s a federal court with the appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia?
Are you really that ignorant?
My points were backed up by fossils and historical evidence found through text, fossils, and history?
There’s Egyptian text and ancient carvings that illustrate the fact that dreads/braids were originated else where.
You’re not the only minority here. I’m Native American and I can sure as hell tell you we wore braids. So don’t claim it as just yours. And as I said before, there’s historical evidence proving my point.
These are Greek boxers wearing dread locks depicted on a fresco.
There’s mummified remains with dreaded hair.
These hair styles were also in depicted in art. I won’t bother providing any images because you can simply GOOGLE IT
Please do your research.

i love when people wear something from a culture they’re not in, learn about that culture, appreciate it, and get educated on it. but if you’re wearing it just for shits and giggles, its so wrong.

an example of what i mean:
cultural appropriation: when people take something from another culture and laugh about it, literally just wear it for no reason. for example non-asian people putting chopsticks in their hair for “fashion” is definitely cultural appropriation, and also fetishzing it
cultural appreciation: when someone wears a cultural outfit from another culture they’re not in, but compliments the culture, learns about it, and appreciates it. as long as they’re doing it right and respectfully, they can continue :slight_smile:

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I thought we agreed not to continue arguing, @ZADDY.

Closed as per op request.

so… some people say, hey it’s that chinese girl. even though i’m korean. but my skin is only asian but i’m born in new zealand. so becareful of what u say

you don’t have to be black to wear braids. you’ll just get stares. that’s all.

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