Our New Forums!

I get the “reducing the brightness on your device” thing, but sometimes we multi-task with our tabs. Like having the forums open in one tab and doing something in another and switching. For example, sometimes when I’m watching a show or something on my computer I will switch back and forth to go on another tab (when it freezes or something), and it would be very time-consuming to change your brightness every time you do this. Another example that is more commonly used is when you are waiting for the time limit to make a new post, sometimes we like to switch to another tab to wait, or another example could be changing your music that you are listening to while posting on the forums. I think trying a night mode would be simpler and more helpful to the users.

I hope you understand what I mean! I have no problem with the brightness of this, but some people have more sensitive eyes. I hope you guys try to make a solution to this problem, you guys are amazing with technology considering how many features this forums has, night mode could be another cool feature you could include :slight_smile:

Oh! Totally understandable! :slight_smile: It may take some time to develop, but we are looking into what it would take to get it in and available to members. :heart:


Yay! Thanks for the response! I can’t wait to hear more about this new feature possibly coming out. It’ll help a lot since I’m a big fan of night modes (I use it all the time on Twitter lol, it’s honestly more appealing to the eyes). :slight_smile:


SAME! I couldn’t post or reply to anything either.


I LOVE IT !! It’s so cute, easier to navigate, and I think it matches with the app.


I love the layout of the forums! I can’t wait to test it out.

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Are we getting access to the old forums again?
Not gonna lie, that little blue banner at the top with one day’s notice (not even my location’s day) meant I had no idea I’d just be kicked off like that. Especially since I was still using the old forums as a crutch to get used to this new, over-complicated, annoyingly bright (and way too childish in my opinion and personal taste) site.
I still had some posts I needed to save, and I’d just made several detailed posts too.

Do excuse any annoyed undertones you may be reading, I am just holding back the urge to scream at a wall and slam my face into it.


Yes! look out for the update on that. We’re getting it set up. :slight_smile: