Overlay glitch still here?

When I try to fade an overlay in or out it just gets brighter instead of fading , I been had this glitch and I tried to fix it but I couldn’t so I just left episode for a while, and now I’m back an it’s still here. Please tell me someone knows how to fix it now.

do you have a picture of your script?

before the first &overlay in your scipt
&overlay CRESTWOOD opacity 1 in 0

If you send a support ticket to episode asking if they can reset your account, they will probably do it. That will stop the overlays from glitching.

it’s still doing it

ok , i’ll try that thanks.

then maybe it’s because you have two & going at the same time?
&pan - &overlay ??

i don’t think it’s that either, i’ll just send a support ticket , thanks for trying to help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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no problem, hope it gets fixed!

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