Overlay help needed right now

If you are using the background to create overlays it would look like this:

INT. INTRO-DAY with THE to 1.000 47 461 in zone 1 with MEAN to 1.000 158 458 in zone 1 with GIRLS to 1.000 103 402 in zone 1

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@overlay MEAN create
@overlay GIRLS create
@overlay THE create
&overlay THE shifts to 47 461 in zone 1 AND overlay THE scales to 1.000 1.000 AND overlay MEAN shifts to 158 458 in zone 1 AND overlay MEAN scales to 1.000 1.000 AND overlay GIRLS shifts to 103 402 in zone 1 AND overlay GIRLS scales to 1.000 1.000
If you are creating overlays like this, you have to make it’s opacity 1.
&overlay MEAN opacity 1

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that worked some how, could someone send me a template of how to get the words to slide in one by one?

Sure, but is it okay if I do it tomorrow I’m going to go to sleep now? :slight_smile:

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yeah ofc

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Ok.I have to do something right now, but I’ll start on it as soon as I can. I just need you to send me your overlays. :slight_smile:

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Ok sure thing! I’m at school now though so it’s going to take a while!

Do you have an email I could send them to?

i can’t find them, i’ll have a look after school

You can send them to:


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Okay, got some hw, will do it later

I just sent them

Okay, I will work on it right now! :slight_smile:

Ok, here you go :slight_smile: -

EXT. YOURBACKGROUND with THE to 2.512 -202 321 with MEAN to 1.864 -172 289 with GIRLS to 2.188 -234 185
@transition fade in black 1
&zoom reset
@pause for a beat
@overlay THE shifts to -33 321 in zone 1 in 2 using easein
@pause for a beat
@overlay MEAN shifts to 69 289 in zone 1 in 2 using easein
@pause for a beat
@overlay GIRLS shifts to 121 185 in zone 1 in 2 using easein
@pause for a beat
@transition fade out black 2

The overlays you sent to me didn’t have a transparent background, so I removed the background:

The Overlays

0-removebg-preview 3-removebg-preview

Thank yu s much, bug what d you mean by a transparent background?

Oh, I mean the overlay you sent me had a white background and it wasn’t transparent. To upload an overlay it has to be a PNG (have a transparent background.) :slight_smile:

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Oh k, hw do I do that?

And i just got these overlays and background made

Here, just upload these:

0-removebg-preview 1-removebg-preview(1) 3-removebg-preview

Ok thanks

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