Overlay not appearing on the stage

SOLUTION: forgot the “to” after BLOODRIP2 and spazzed out :woozy_face:

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Have you just uploaded it? If so then you need to reload the page

We didnt use to have to do that but we do now and it suck

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Maybe check if u have its overlay opacity as 1

I’ve reopened my script a few times so it shouldn’t be doing this.


It isn’t appearing on the stage, so that’s not the problem. :pensive:

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okay did u duplicate blooddrip2 from blooddrip1 I mean via using coding

They are two seperate overlays, yes. When i hit spot directing and i hit change overlay it doesn’t even appear at all. It only shows me blood & blooddrip1

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The coding u wrote looks complex
so its good to start off with simplifying. So you will know whats the problem & where it is!

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OMG im an idiot I may have forgetten the “to”


It happens! take breather and continue scripting!
Good luck!

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