Overlay spinning help

Can somebody help me with my script? I’m trying to get my overlay to spin

here’s my script

EXT. BLUE - DAY with spinningcircle
@overlay 6563584861405184_SPINNINGCIRCLE shifts to 179 304
@overlay 6563584861405184_SPINNINGCIRCLE scales to 2.259 2.259
&overlay SPINNINGCIRCLE rotates 14.00 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 60

Tagging some smart people…

@JemU776 @Apes @Dara.Amarie

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If you want your overlay to spin in a loop, the code will look like this:

@overlay SPINNINGCIRCLE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in [time] THEN overlay SPINNINGCIRCLE rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop INFINITE times


Thanks it worked.!!

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