Pass codes or password Templates

Hi I am currently working on a new story and I was wondering if any one has a password or pass code template .
I am trying to make one of my characters have to figure out the code to get in the door.


This is the code for locking written in the case of locking a chapter. Basically just substitute your text as needed.

label name_input
input What’s The Password?|What’s The Password|Done(PASSWORD)
if (PASSWORD is “mypassword”) {
Access granted.
goto start_story
} else {
This story is currently unavailable.
goto name_input
label start_story

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label password_input
(What did he say the password was again?)
input What’s The Password?|What’s The Password|Done(PASSWORD)
if (PASSWORD is “12345”) {
Access granted.
goto sucess_continue
} else {
Wrong password.
goto password_input
label sucess_continue

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This is what I am doing and it is not working what am I doing wrong and is there one with multiple choices?
EVANGELIA (talk_think)
Really! I am putting in the right code.

label password_input

    EVANGELIA (think)
(What did he say the password was again?)

input What’s The Password?|1006g|Done(PASSWORD)
if (PASSWORD is “1006g”) {
Access granted.
goto sucess_continue

} else {
Wrong password.
goto label password_input
label sucess_continue

Take out the label in goto password_input. I didn’t realize I left that in.

label password_input

    YOU (think)
(What did he say the password was again?)

input What’s The Password?|1006g|Done(PASSWORD)
if (PASSWORD is “1006g”) {
Access granted.
goto sucess_continue

} else {
Wrong password.
goto password_input
label sucess_continue

okay I did that but the input box that should pop up to allow reader to type in code is not coming up?

Are you previewing it on your phone or web previewer. It won’t show up on the computer.

Computer, I will check through my phone.

Closing due to one month of inactivity :slight_smile: